2024년 3월 8일에 국제 여성의 날을 맞아 주한 브라질 대사관에서 '일일 여성 대사 체험' 프로그램을 운영합니다.
선정된 후보자는 마르시아 도네르 아브레우(Márcia Donner Abreu) 주한 브라질 대사와 하루 동안 동행하여 외교 업무를 직접 경험하게 됩니다.
대상: 전공, 국적 무관 현재 학부 혹은 대학원에 재학중인 18~25세 여성
자격: 영어에 능숙하고 기초 포르투갈어 혹은 스페인어가 가능해야함
The Ambassador of Brazil in Korea is looking for a young woman interested in participating in the "Woman Ambassador for a Day" program. The selected candidate will spend March 8, 2024, International Women's Day, accompanying Ambassador Márcia Donner Abreu on her daily schedule and experiencing diplomatic work first-hand. The program aims to promote the skills and leadership of young women, contribute to gender equality, and help them fulfill their potential, in addition to encouraging female participation in topics related to international politics. Women aged 18 to 25, of any nationality, currently enrolled in undergraduate (or graduate) studies or recently graduated, regardless of the field, are invited to apply. Candidates should have advanced proficiency in English and preferably speak Portuguese or Spanish (basic proficiency is also accepted). The results will be announced on February 28, 2024.