Sungshin, 10 consecutive years in IEQAS 'Best Accredited University'

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Best Accredited University Requirements


Best Accredited University Requirements


 Universities that maintained accreditation for the past 3 years or more across all degree

 and language training courses.

 ※ In the case of universities without the language training course,

  3 years accrediatation condition only applies to the degree course.


 Universities with the illegal residence rate of less than 2%

 (Including both Degree Programs and Language Courses)


 Universities with all aforementioned accreditations


 Universities that has passed 90% or more of the overall evaluation criterion regarding degree

 programs and language courses.


 Universities over 50% in the language skill standard for the degree program


 University with no record of violation regarding the Immigration Control Actover 

 the past three years.

Sungshin has maintained the highest rank for 10 consecutive years 

in the International Education Quality Assurance System(IEQAS) for the 

degree programs and intensive Korean courses.

The rank offers additional benefits to accredited universities, such as granting 

enrolled students additional hours at part-time jobs

Our university has achieved the highest rank as one of the 'Best Accredited Universities' in the '2023 International Education Quality Assurance System(IEQAS) Evaluation,' which was announced by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Justice on the 7th of February.


The International Education Quality Assurance System(IEQAS) was launchpad by the Ministry of Education aiming to enhance the quality of higher education and attract excellent students from abroad. Only 15 general universities in Korea were accredited for its international capacity with the highest rank this year.


While 800 students from 35 countries are currently enrolled at our university, we have maintained the illegal residence rate under 1% for over the past years with strict student selections and thorough management. For 10 consecutive years, all indicators including international student tuition burden ratio, academic and living support, rate of counseling, dropout rate, Test of Proficiency in International Languages(TOPIK), and satisfaction management were held at an excellent level.


'Best Accredited University' is a system that selects and awards universities with excellent international capacities by the Education Internationalization Capacity Certification Committee. Our university is awarded with benefits such as Simplified visa issuance procedures; examination of visa issuance with only a standard entry permit and on the period of stay Additional 5 hours of part-time work permit time each week Special invitations to overseas Korean study abroad fairs Additional points or Government Invited Scholarship Students(GKS) selection. Also, information about Sungshin is provided in 28 languages by Study in Korea. Last but not least, a list of accredited/best accredited universities universities is provided to foreign governments.