[236th Edition] Frame: The Things We Believe as Truth

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Frame: The Things We Believe as Truth


The frame is a structure of thoughts that we all use every day to associate meaning in our lives. It rules how we think, act, and shape the way we see the world. It is programmed from the minute we started to learn something, with the belief that depends entirely on nationality, gender, race, religion, and beyond. 


Even if you’re working in the same space with someone else, perhaps you have experienced that he or she has a perspective utterly different from your own. There may be disparities of views depending on which angle each has. In particular, some differences encompassing social positions, cultures, generations, and genders would be the factors that widen the chasm. These differences can also provoke conflicts or misunderstandings among interested parties in modern society. Conventional wisdom and personal experience sometimes confine themselves in the frame and even create prejudice against others. In this regard, the November issue of The Sungshin Mirror focuses on the social frame that permeates everything we think and say. The Cover Story attempts to highlight the stereotypical notion of women and a corset discourse. Exploring the Anti-Corset Display Project that aims to represent “escaping the corset” movement, the article delves into how this exhibition would affect others. Meanwhile, in the Feature-Career section, various stories will broaden your horizons and inspire you to think about how to view and shape your future beyond the frame.


Have you ever asked a question like this: Isn’t that too obvious? Or, you probably have answered the questions based on the apparent premises. However, the things that we take for granted in our daily lives could not be taken for granted for someone else, and can even change their meaning depending on changing social attitudes. In this context, we need always to think, what else needs to be discovered beyond the frame. Think outside the box. Throughout our articles, we have dealt with stories breaking a new frame. We hope for you to be informed and entertained by what we have laid out. 


By Kim Do-I Editor-in-Chief (hello_toi@naver.com)

[237th Edition] 2019: A Lo...
미러사 2020-06-01 16:02:44.0
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