Signature (Korean combination)
The signature system that represents certain combinations of the symbol mark and the logotype, should focus on the main while applying but main and sub can be applied considering actual situation. When applied, it should comply with the illustrations for the corresponding entries in this manual, and in applying the logotype, one must use the original data for specific items to make sure that the image is not damaged or deformed.
Signature (Korean-English combination)
The signature system, which represents certain combinations of the symbol mark and the logotype, should focus on the main while applying main and sub by focusing on actual conditions. When applied, it should comply with the illustrations for the corresponding entries in this manual, and in applying the logotype, When applying the symbol mark, its original data should be used for in order to make sure that the image is not damaged or deformed.
Signature (English combination)
The signature system, which represents certain combinations of the symbol mark and the logotype, should focus on the main while applying main and sub by focusing on actual conditions. When applied, it should comply with the illustrations for the corresponding entries in this manual. When applying the symbol mark, its original data should be used for in order to make sure that the image is not damaged or deformed.
Signature (Sino-Korean combination)
The signature system, which represents certain combinations of the symbol mark and the logotype, should focus on the main while applying main and sub can be allowed when considersing situation. When applied, it should comply with the illustrations for the corresponding entries in this manual, When applying the symbol mark, its original data should be used for in order to make sure that the image is not damaged or deformed.
Slogan Combination
The slogan combination system, which is a form of a combination of slogan and signature, chooses from the types below for different slogan combinations. When applied, it should comply with the illustrations for the corresponding entries in this manual, and when applying the logo type, its original data should be used for in order to make sure that the image is not damaged or deformed.