- Undergraduate schools, graduate schools, university headquarters, and affiliated institute located at Soojung Campus.
1. Undergraduate Schools
- College of Humanities and Convergence Arts(College of Humanities): Department of Korean Language and Literature, Department of English Language and Literature,Department of German Language, Literature and Culture, Department of French Language, Literature and Culture,Department of Japanese Language, Literature and Culture,Department of Chinese Language, Literature and Culture, Department of History
- College of Social sciences: Department of Political Science and Diplomacy, Department of Psychology, Department of Geography, Department of Economics, Department of Business Administration, Department of Media Communication
- College of Law: School of Law
- College of Natural Sciences: School of Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science
- College of Knowledge-Based Services Engineering: Department of Services and Design Engineering, Department of Convergence Security Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering, Department of Information System Engineering, School of AI Convergence
- Health & Wellness College: School of Sports Science
- College of Education: Department of Education, Department of Social Studies Education, Department of Ethics Education, Department of Chinese Classics Education, Department of Early Childhood Education
- College of Arts: Department of Oriental Painting , Department of Western Painting, Department of Sculpture, Department of Crafts,Department of Industrial Design
- College of Music: Department of Vocal Music, Department of Instrumental Music, Department of Composition
- College of Creative Convergence Education
2. Graduate Schools
- Graduate School
- Graduate School of Education
- Graduate School of Cultural Industry and Arts
- Graduate School of Lifetime Welfare
- Graduate School of AI Taxation and Accounting
3. Headquarters
- Office of Strategic Planning: Planning and Evaluation Team, Budget Team, Project Operations TeamOffice of Academic Affairs: Faculty Affairs Team, Academic Affairs Team, Department of Teaching
- Office of Academic Affairs: Faculty Affairs Team, Academic Affairs Team, Department of Teaching
- Office of Student Affairs and Admissions: Admissions Team, Student Affairs and Services Team, Sungshin Health and Welfare Center(Sungshin University Health Services, Dormitory), Support Team for Students with Disabilites(Support Team for Students with Disabilites)
- Office of International and External Affairs: External Affairs and Public Relations Team, International Affairs and Services Team, Sungshin International Education Institute
- Office of General Affairs: Personnel Management and General Affairs Team, Finance and Accounting Team, Construction and Facility Management Team, Safety Management Team
- Office of Career Development and Employment: Center for Career Development(Career Development Team, Team for Youth Employment Governance), Center for Internship Support(Internship Support Team)
- Sungshin R&DB Foundation: Research Affairs & Industry-Academic Cooperation Team, Entrepreneurship Center(Entrepreneurship Team), Center for Instrumental Analysis
- Institute for Education Innovation: Center for Education Innovation(Education Performance Management Team, Major and General Education Innovation Team, Innovative Engineering Education Team, Extracurricular Innovation Team), Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)(Support Team for Teaching and Learning), Center for Hybrid Education(Hybrid Education Team)
- Institute of Library & IT: Center for Digtal Innovation(IT Management Team), Central Library(Academy Information Services Team)
4. Affiliated institution
- University Museum: Central Museum
- Continuing Education Center
- Sungshin Media