- Guide to Student Records
- 1) General Overview
- -In case there is a change with student records (such as leave of absence, return, or withdrawal), a student must talk to the relevant staff of the department office and International Affairs and Services Team before he or she can submit related documents to the Academic Affairs Team for the relevant college.
- -If a student remains absent or unreachable for 2 weeks or longer, the college will report it to Immigration Office within 15-days (as specified in Article 19-4, Section 2 of Immigration Act).
- 2) Leave of Absence
- -A freshman may not take a leave of absence for the first two semesters after admission and a transfer student may not take a leave of absence for the first semester following his or her transfer.
- -However, when a student cannot come to class for 4 or more weeks due to illness, he or she may take a leave of absence (for a semester) by submitting a leave of absence application with a Medical Certificate with information requiring hospitalization for minimum 4 weeks.
- 3) Grade
- -The grade shall not be recognized for the courses for which a student has missed one-fourth or more of the classes (the grade shall be F).
- -Academic probation: for each semester whose GPA is 1.50 or lower.
- 4) Expulsion
- -Expulsion due to incomplete registration: a person who has failed to register during the specified period of registration for the particular semester.
- -Expulsion due to failed return to school: a person who has failed to return to school even when a leave of absence has expired.
- -Expulsion resulting from academic probation: expulsion due to poor academic performance (or total four times of academic probation during the student's enrollment period at Sungshin).
- -Expulsion by withdrawal.
- -Loss of a student's records due to his or her failure to complete the required courses at the university within the time limit for enrollment.
- -A person who has entered another school.
- -Expulsion for violation of other college regulations.
- 5) Entering Personal Information (contact info, address in Republic of Korea and address in home country, romanized name etc.)
- -A student's contact information must be entered to Sungshin Portal on the website to make sure that he or she can receive notices and emergency messages.
- -Any changes to a student's personal information must be immediately reflected in the system (editing allowed as often as needed).
- -How to Enter Data
Homepage(website) → Log into Sungshin Portal (ID: Student No., password: Alien Registration Number) → Academic Affairs & Administration System → Student Records → Details to Enter Apply for Correction → New → Enter → Save
※ Enter Name in English: enter the romanized name as found on your passport.