- 1. Permission of Other Activities than Approved for Sojourner (part-time jobs)
- 1.Scope of Permission: up to 20 hours a week for undergraduate students or up to 30 hours a week for graduate students in areas that are socially perceived as within boundaries as an international student's status; for unlimited hours on weekend or public holidays.
- 2.Submission Documents: application, passport, alien registration card, International Student's Recommendation for Hourly Employment, copy of business registration certificate.
- 2. Employment Visa (D-10)
- 1.Eligibility: an international student who has graduated from the undergraduate program of university and is preparing for employment or wants to work as an intern for a company.
- 2.Submission Documents: application, passport, alien registration card, fee, transcripts, reference from academic advisor (if the student's GPA is below 3.0).