- Supporting Sungshin Global Friends (International students and Korean national students) activities
- 1) Sungshin For-U (Foreign LangUage) Tutoring
- ① Description of Sungshin For-U Tutoring: a team of tutor and tutees in the ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 or 3 may apply (those who have difficulty forming a team are provided with help from International Student Support Team: available only for those who apply). * Tutor: an international student enrolled in the undergraduate program of Sungshin Women's University (undergraduate student or multiple majors student). * Tutee: a Korean national student enrolled in the undergraduate program of Sungshin Women's University
- ② Activities: tutees are provided with foreign language related education through 10 or more meetings during the period.
- ③ Benefits for Participants: participating tutors are eligible for Scholarship for Internationals with Excellent Activity that is not more than the tuition.
- 2) Sungshin Buddy
- ① Description of Sungshin Buddy: Incoming international student is matched with a Korean national undergraduate student ('Buddy') whch promotes exchange between the two students and the international student receives assistance in adjusting to the campus life.
- ② Activities: Engage in cultural exchange through 30 hours or more of meetings during the semester (the international student may be provided with various information about residence halls, the campus, and the Korean culture by her Buddy).