Introducing Disabled Student Support Center

- Disabled Student Support Center was created with the aim to provide better support services, on top of expanding higher-education opportunities for students with disabilities and implementing education integrated with ordinary students, also in improving the perception of persons with disabilities and providing better campus life for students with disabilities.
Location & Operating Hours
- Location: Student Support Team on 1F of Sungshin Hall
- Operating Hours: 09:00-17:00
Disabled Student Support Programs
Supporting University Life
- 1. Implementing programs to broaden and improve perspective towards disability
- Implementing online education to enhance the perception and understanding disabled students
- 2. Providing Scholarships for Disabled Students
- Awarding Hyangran Scholarship as a university scholarship
(1 million won per semester during regular semesters to students with physical disability class 5 or above; however, the student must maintin GPA of 2.5 or above without F in the preceding semester)
- Awarding Hyangran Scholarship as a university scholarship
- 3. Separate Credit Registration System
- Operating a separate credit registration system for disabled students
- 4. Vehicle Operation
- Operating vehicles for students who are physically disabled or have difficulty in mobility
Inquiry: Soojung Campus (02-920-7044), Woonjung Campus (02-920-7865, 7868)
- Operating vehicles for students who are physically disabled or have difficulty in mobility
Teaching & Learning Support
- 1. Course Enrollment Special Service
- Early course registration available prior to regular enrollment period to guarantee course for disabled students.
- 2. Study Supporting Services
- Study supporting services such as provision of course materials prior to class, extension on the submission deadline of assignments, adjusted exam periods
- 3. Equipment & Materials Rental Service
- Free-of-charge rental of study equipment such as laptop and voice recorder
- 4. Helper Provision Servic
- Mobility helper and/or writing helper supplied when requested by a disabled student
- 5. Providing Conveniences for Using the Library
- Using the library: staff supports the student's arrival, use and leaving from the library.
- Book Delivery Service: needed materials are delivered to desired campus locations, checked-out materials are mailed out during school breaks (at the person's own expense)
- Exclusive reading desk for disabled student available
- Exclusive reading seat for disabled student available
Inquiry: Soojung Campus (02-920-7391), Woonjung Campus (02-920-7109)
For inquiries & Contact information
Disabled Student Support Center, Student Support Team (1F, Union Building)
- Tel: 82-2-920-7916